Sons & Daughters - San Francisco
Matthias Ruhl Matthias Ruhl

Sons & Daughters - San Francisco

Copenhagen meets San Francisco in the best possible way: flavorful and delicious New Nordic cuisine that features seasonal Californian ingredients

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Ammolite - Rust
Matthias Ruhl Matthias Ruhl

Ammolite - Rust

The world's only two-starred restaurant in an amusement park served competent French cuisine with Italian influences away from the crowds

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Tohru in der Schreiberei - Munich
Matthias Ruhl Matthias Ruhl

Tohru in der Schreiberei - Munich

A unique cuisine that combines Japanese, German and French influences. Very good throughout, but particularly strong with the more Japanese-inspired dishes

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Kadeau - Copenhagen
Matthias Ruhl Matthias Ruhl

Kadeau - Copenhagen

A restaurant with a great sense of place - most ingredients come from a single island. There were some outstanding dishes, but the majority was oddly light in flavors

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Haerlin - Hamburg
Matthias Ruhl Matthias Ruhl

Haerlin - Hamburg

Delicious seafood dishes and an almost clairvoyant, relaxed service make this a restaurant that one happily returns to

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Bianc - Hamburg
Matthias Ruhl Matthias Ruhl

Bianc - Hamburg

An Italian dinner with some modern touches had some good dishes, but also several disappointing ones, falling a bit short of the expectations set by its two Michelin stars

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Alchemist - Copenhagen
Matthias Ruhl Matthias Ruhl

Alchemist - Copenhagen

Not only a dinner, but an “experience”, complete with video projections and performances. Some of this worked, but some of it didn’t, which made for a memorable evening with some untapped potential

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Ikoyi - London
Matthias Ruhl Matthias Ruhl

Ikoyi - London

Lots of spices (often African) and frequent combinations of savory and sweet make for an exciting fine-dining experience. Most dishes are very good, but occasionally the interplay of flavors becomes a bit overwhelming

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Atomix - New York
Matthias Ruhl Matthias Ruhl

Atomix - New York

Small bites inspired by Korean cuisine are generally pleasant, but rarely reach the heights suggested by the restaurant’s lofty 8th place on the 50 Best Restaurants list

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Cloudstreet - Singapore
Matthias Ruhl Matthias Ruhl

Cloudstreet - Singapore

French cuisine with some Sri Lankan and Australian influences and great service. The food is best when it leans into the chef’s Sri Lankan heritage

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Lakeside - Hamburg
Matthias Ruhl Matthias Ruhl

Lakeside - Hamburg

Many excellent dishes, great service and a fantastic view of Hamburg’s skyline are all good reasons to visit and to overlook the few issues: some dishes that don't work as well, and the lack of a common thread in the tasting menu

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Mühle - Schluchsee
Matthias Ruhl Matthias Ruhl

Mühle - Schluchsee

Delicious, light seafood and meat dishes in Germany’s Black Forest. Ingredients could be more local, and salt used less enthusiastically, but otherwise this is definitely worth a stop

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